A broken bone injury, particularly when you are an adult, is not always that straightforward and there can be complications.
Whilst some simple fractures can be treated by wearing a splint or a plaster case until the bone heals, more complicated fractures will require surgery to fix. This may involve the use of metal screws, pins, rods or plates to hold the bone in place and could result in a personal injury claim.
Causes of broken bone claims
You may be eligible for a broken bones claim if you have suffered an injury as a result of someone’s negligence.
Common accidents which lead to breaking a bone as a result of another person’s actions or carelessness include:
Types of broken bone injuries
There are many different types of fracture injuries, some of which are more serious than others. The least severe type of fracture is an undisplaced closed fracture where the bones have not moved out of place.
This is followed by a displaced open fracture where the bones have moved and have pierced the skin. The worst type of fracture is a comminuted fracture where the bone is in many pieces and may be very difficult to fix.