Forklift trucks are used across many different industries and can be commonly found in factories, warehouses and construction sites, to assist in the movement of heavy goods.
Common examples of accidents in the workplace involving forklift trucks include:
- Collisions with pedestrians on the factory floor or building site.
- Collisions caused due to potholes.
- Collisions with stacked items.
- Driving over someone’s foot.
- Being hit or crushed by heavy objects that haven’t been stacked properly on the forklift truck.
- Unsafe driving which leads to the forklift toppling over.
- Malfunctions caused through lack of maintenance.
Due to the size and weight of a forklift truck, injuries sustained through a minor bump can be very serious. Fractures, head injuries and crushed feet are commonly caused through forklift truck accidents.
Employers have a duty of care to protect the health and safety of their staff in the workplace. They must ensure that forklift drivers are fully trained before being allowed to drive on the warehouse floor or building site.
They are required to:
- Provide appropriate driver training
- Safety awareness training
- Provide PPE – i.e. hard hats and other forms of protective clothing.
- Carry out regular maintenance on forklifts.