£110,000 Compensation For Finger Amputation

Our client was working as a Steel Processer, operating a steel banding tool when a machinery failure caused his finger to become trapped underneath a steel plate and block. As a result the client’s right index finger, on his dominant hand, was crushed – cut down to the bone from the palm of the hand to the tip of the ring finger.

The client immediately sought medical treatment, where a hand specialist examined the injuries deeming the damages too severe for the finger to be saved. Consequently the finger was amputated just above the middle joint.

The amputation left our client feeling embarrassed by the unsightly appearance of his finger, and found that children would stare at him when out in public. This all stopped when he was able to wear the lifelike prosthetic that we obtained for him. The prosthetic being an exact replica of his corresponding finger transposed from left to right and colour matched professionally.

With the help of True Solicitors the client was able to get back to work soon after the accident and is now doing well.

We recovered losses of in excess of £110,000 for the client, compensating the client for his injuries, loss of earnings and future medical costs.


Amputation Injuries

“Finger amputation cases like this are more common that you may think. It is important to look at what can be done to help functionally and to disguise the claimants’ injuries.

Fingers can be replaced cosmetically and practically and such prosthetics can make a real difference to an injured client going forward both physically and mentally.

This is what we are keen to do, doing our best to get the claimant back to his pre-accident status” – Serious Injury Solicitor – Mick Laffey


Client Testimonial

“The service I received from True Solicitors was fantastic. The team were professional, yet friendly and approachable. I was kept up to date throughout the entire process. I would recommend their services to friends and family. ”